Hai! It's been 3 months since my last post. Hehehe.
I passed my national and school exams with yeah (i think and proud) great scores on my report. I finished my High School and got some scholars from some universities. I went to Bali with my High School pals, and lost my blackberry though there, whereas i didn't regret it because we had so much fun that time. I went to Ujung Genteng. I went to soooooo many places and did sooooooo many things these holidays. I hadmy prom. I celebrated the graduation. I celebrated birthday. I met friends. I had fun with family. I went out with lover. And so on and so on. I had so many good times with my family, lover, my soon to be family, and super lovely friends. Even there were some problems but now they all over. Peace spreads in everywhere. Joy and happiness come indeed. My holiday almost over. My friends move to another town even country to start the university life. Me, coming soon to move out from town to start my university too. I was lived in a comfort zone where my parents made. And now i realize that i will face the real world in no time. It is not going to be easy, but hard though. Somehow, i'm not ready yet. But fucking yeah, hello real life, hello wild world, where the unfair and complication placed, also hidden happiness and joy. Guide me through please..
wah, kuliah dimana nih, Jane?
wah, kuliah dimana nih, Jane?
keep calm jane. sometimes to be a successful person, we have to leave our comfort zone. GODBLESS!
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