glad that i could celebrate His born day at home.
i was arriving at home at about 10 pm yesterday.
really tired, feels like dying to go to sleep.
the only thing i asked for.
it was so severe, when i stepped on the floor.
after i came in, then felt the house's atmosphere, i'm awake.
it's nice to feel the warmth of my home. glad to smell the aroma of it.
and really missed it.
i was away from home about 9 days.
sometimes i'm happy, but for this case i suffered.
and also after i opened the door of my room i saw a mound of presents, i thought
"Yeah, tonight is Christmas eve."
is the day when christian people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.well, this date not known exactly to be Jesus' actual birthday.
but christian's celebrating His born day on December 25.
Christmas is identical with Baby Jesus with Virgin Mary and Joseph, Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Deer, Present, Cake, greeting card, mistletoe, church, and etc.
Christmas seems like the icon of bunches of dreams.
Yah, i thought so.
For me, Christmas not just the day of celebrating Jesus' birthday.
Christmas remembering us that Jesus is real. He's born to the earth. He's come.
He is a human. He is the son of the Father because he was born from the Virgin Mary.
That Jesus alive, and he's redeem human's sins.
Yes, i believe. and always do.
As i said, Christmas identical with many things, including The Christmas Tree and Presents.
2oo9 is the first year i passed the Christmas without a christmas tree.
it wasn't a big deal, but feels different for me.
oh yeah, we could save the earth by decreasing casuarina tree (pohon cemara-red.) for the Christmas tree.
here are some examples:
1. Christmas tree from used bottle
Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
2. Christmas tree from can
3. Christmas tree from used plastic fork
4. Christmas tree from post card, magazine, book, and sheredded paper.
5. Christmas tree from used aluminium can
6. Christmas tree from used bottle glass
7. Christmas tree from circuit board
8. Christmas tree from used water gallon
Let's having a beautiful and unique Christmas tree by saving the earth although only once a year ;)
(taken from: --> check that out!
Presents. here are some pics i wanna share ;)
last year presents
This year presents

Ya, i got less presents than last year.
Big thanks to everyone who gave presents and told greetings for me. i appreciated them. :)
Honestly, i don't really care how many presents i got. i don't really care how many greetings i received.
but, i do care how people represent their happiness and spirit of Christmas ;)
once more, i just wanna say Happy Xmas 2009.
may smiles, laughes, and love loaded our days :D
ih lucu banget kadoonyaaa :)) ahhahaha
jane tiap taon tuker kado gitu?? iihh enaaak
@nonikaren: hehe, yang mana ka? makasi yaah ;)
@curut: iya syg, tradisi keluarga ;) ayo ikutannn ;))
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